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The Risks of Summer Heat Stroke for Your Pets

By Dr. Jaime Barta, DVM With summer fast approaching, we will soon be swimming in pools, having backyard picnics and enjoying outdoor sports. When we get too hot, we will be able to take a break and cool off inside in the air conditioning. We need to remember to also think about our furry little

Pet First Aid: The Heimlich Maneuver and Other Emergency Methods

  Many people don’t realize that first aid for pets is a real thing. There are pet first-aid kits, courses, and classes, just like there are for humans. And just like for humans, the goal is to treat any immediate medical emergencies and stabilize the patient long enough to get professional medical treatment. While it’s

Pet Poisoning: It CAN Happen to You!

By Jodi Reed, DVM If there’s one thing I can say about every single case of pet poisoning I’ve treated, it’s that the owners of the pet were responsible, caring, careful people that never imagined they’d ever need to seek treatment for poisoning. It's a pet owner’s worst nightmare: arriving home to an empty bag

Salt on Paws: Protect Your Dog’s Feet from Winter Chemicals

Sir Walter Wally may not have seen his shadow this year, and it may seem as though winter is over but you never can tell for sure, and Old Man Winter may yet have some snow and ice up his sleeve. That means more grit, salt and chemicals on sidewalks and roads, which can be bad

Train Your Dog to Come on Call – Every Time!

January is both National Walk Your Dog month and Train Your Dog month, and if you’re giving your furbaby an appropriate amount of exercise, you may occasionally visit off-leash areas where he or she can run free and play with other dogs. In that case, one of the most important things you can teach is to respond reliably to a recall command. Whether danger

A Treat-Free Festive Season Can Help Reduce Your Dog’s Pancreatitis Risk

With Christmas and New Year just a few days away, you’re probably planning your festive season down to the last detail. And whether you’re going away or staying home, if your pets are going to celebrate with you, it’s essential that you plan their menu as carefully as your own. Pancreatitis in dogs is a

Pet Medications – Important Information You Should Know!

By Dr. Jodi Reed, DVM While there are thousands of medications for humans to help cure whatever ails them, there are almost as many for our pets! It is important to understand that all medications can have side effects and interactions with other drugs, so it's critical that before giving your cat or dog any medication you

The Scoop on Poop: Why Fecal Samples are Important

So you’re on the phone scheduling your furbaby’s wellness visit at the vet, and the receptionist on the other end of the line gives you a homework assignment: bring in a fecal sample from your pet to your appointment. So what now? At Harmony Animal Hospital, we place great importance on the comfort and health

Understanding Canine and Feline Immunizations

Regular vaccinations are one of the most important (and easiest) parts of preventive care that may contribute to a long, healthy life for your furbaby. With a comprehensive animal wellness program that includes an appropriate pet vaccination schedule, your dog or cat can avoid serious or life–threatening illnesses. How Vaccines Work Vaccines help prepare the body's immune

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