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Summer Safety for Pets

Ah, summer! Time for beaches, barbecues, and basking in the sun. As much as we love the warm weather, it can pose serious risks to our pets. From dehydration to heatstroke, the dangers are real. In this blog, we’ll dive into summer safety to keep your pets safe and cool as the temperature climbs.

5 Top Summer Pet Safety Tips

Summer months can be dangerous for pets, especially if they are left outside without water and shade or travel in the car with you. With the warmer weather comes some unexpected dangers, so it’s a good idea to have your vet on speed dial. From overheating on too long of a walk or run,

Salt on Paws: Protect Your Dog’s Feet from Winter Chemicals

Sir Walter Wally may not have seen his shadow this year, and it may seem as though winter is over but you never can tell for sure, and Old Man Winter may yet have some snow and ice up his sleeve. That means more grit, salt and chemicals on sidewalks and roads, which can be bad

A Treat-Free Festive Season Can Help Reduce Your Dog’s Pancreatitis Risk

With Christmas and New Year just a few days away, you’re probably planning your festive season down to the last detail. And whether you’re going away or staying home, if your pets are going to celebrate with you, it’s essential that you plan their menu as carefully as your own. Pancreatitis in dogs is a

Pet Disaster Preparedness Tips

With hurricane season in full swing and winter storms ahead, North Carolina families are encouraged to make a complete disaster preparedness plan that includes supplies and arrangements for your pets. This way, if disaster strikes, every one of your beloved family members stays safe and secure, including your furry companions. Here are 6 critical

5 Plants Most Dangerous to Your Pet

March is Poison Awareness Month, with the third week being National Poison Prevention Week. If you’re the proud pet parent of a dog or a cat, it’s relevant to you. And if you’re taking to heart our advice to walk your dog daily, it’s vital that you learn to recognize plants that are poisonous to dogs or

How to Ensure Your Dog Enjoys Valentine’s Day, Too

Valentine’s Day is synonymous with hearts, flowers and—of course—chocolate. And we all want to share our joy with our furry friends. You can go ahead and share your heart as much as you like, but your dog won’t likely care much for flowers. Chocolate is a different story, however, and regardless of how much Fifi

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