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parasite prevention

Home/Tag: parasite prevention

The Scoop on Poop: Why Fecal Samples are Important

So you’re on the phone scheduling your furbaby’s wellness visit at the vet, and the receptionist on the other end of the line gives you a homework assignment: bring in a fecal sample from your pet to your appointment. So what now? At Harmony Animal Hospital, we place great importance on the comfort and health

Heartworms in Dogs and Cats

Heartworm is a parasite that all dog and cat owners have to be concerned about. Heartworm infections and heartworm disease are endemic amongst dogs in North Carolina, meaning that they are a widespread and ongoing health concern. Though cats are infected less often than dogs, when they are infected it is most often fatal, so

Spring Dangers for Pets

The dangers for pets in the winter are probably well known: cold, ice, damage to the paws from walking on salty sidewalks… However, many pet owners don’t realize that spring brings along other dangers — and that just because they’re different doesn’t mean they’re any less serious. Spring is closer than you think! March brings

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