Look out for symptoms of heat stroke for pets during the hot summer months.

As the days grow longer and warmer, summer promises plenty of outdoor fun like swimming, backyard barbecues, and sports. But it’s also the season to remember our pets’ needs with the rising temperatures. Just as we seek relief in the cool confines of air-conditioned indoors, it’s crucial to protect our fur babies from the dangers of heat stroke with some savvy tips.

Understanding Pet Heat Stroke

Heat stroke in pets, medically known as hyperthermia, occurs when their body temperature soars above the normal range of 100°F to 102.5°F. Unlike humans who sweat efficiently, pets can overheat quickly as their cooling methods are limited mainly to panting. A dog with moderate heat stroke (body temperature from 104 F to 106 F) can recover within an hour if given prompt first aid and veterinary care. Once their temperature reaches 106 F or higher, however, they are in a life-threatening emergency that needs immediate veterinary attention.

Some Causes and Risk Factors

The most obvious cause of heat stroke for pets is excessive environmental heat, but there can also be other less obvious causes. Heat stroke can occur when an animal is enclosed in an unventilated room or car, as well as after excessive exercise. Elevated humidity can also exacerbate thet effects of heat.

Heat stroke occurs most commonly in dogs but can also occur in cats. It can affect any breed but can happen more frequently in long-haired dogs and short-nosed, flat-faced dogs, also known as brachycephalic breeds.Heat stroke can occur at any age, but tends to affect young dogs and geriatric dogs more than  adult dogs of mid-age.

Some other risk factors that can decrease pets’ ability to handle the heat are a previous history of heat-related disease, obesity, cardiac or pulmonary disease, hyperthyroidism, and dehydration.

Avoid Overheating

Hot weather means a higher chance of your dog overheating, especially if you’re spending long periods of time outdoors. To reduce the chances of overheating, start by avoiding the heat. Shade alone might not be enough to prevent overheating. Take your dog outside on walks only during the coolest parts of the day, such as early in the morning and later in the evening. Quick walks during the heat of the day are fine, but watch your dog closely for any signs of heat-related distress. If you feel hot, your pet likely does too. Remember, he is also wearing a fur coat! If you have a pet with long hair, grooming in the warmer months can help compensate for the heat.

If you are planning on being outside, make sure plenty of cool water is available for your furry friend. Frozen treats and blocks of ice are also welcome respites from the heat. While it is obvious to most of us to NEVER, EVER leave a dog in a hot car, it happens every summer. Even with the windows down, a car can heat up to temperatures way above the outside readings. The temperature inside a parked car can quickly reach up to 140 degrees. Avoid places like the beach on hot days, and especially avoid concrete or asphalt areas where heat is reflected and there is no access to shade. Also keep in mind that your pet is walking on these surfaces barefoot. If the ground is too hot for your feet, it likely will burn and blister your pet’s feet.

Climate Change and Pet Care

With climate change potentially making some regions permanently hotter, choosing a pet that can thrive in your local climate is more important than ever. For instance, breeds with shorter coats and lighter colors are generally more suited to hotter climates. Breeds adapted to cooler environments might struggle in increased temperatures, making them more prone to heat-related illnesses.

Signs of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Be on the lookout for early symptoms of heat exhaustion, including rapid panting and drooling, bright red gums and/or tongue, weakness, dizziness, increased body temperature (above 103 F), depression and balance problems. As the condition worsens, pets may experience labored breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, shock, seizures and even coma.

If you see any of the above signs, get your pet to the veterinarian immediately. The progressive stages are acute kidney failure, irregular heart rhythms, fluid buildup in the lungs, pinpoint areas of bleeding, death of liver cells, stoppage of the heart and breathing, and a generalized severe inflammatory response syndrome leading to organ failure and death.

What to Do For Overheating

If you suspect your pet is overheating:

  • Move them to a cooler area immediately.
  • Use cool, not cold, water to dampen them gently. Use a fan to help lower their temperature.
  • Allow free access to water, however,avoid forcing your pet to drink water as it may cause choking.
  • Monitor their temperature and stop cooling measures once their body temperature reaches 103°F.
  • Even if your pet seems better, seek veterinary care promptly to address potential dehydration or complications.

Preventative Measures

To avoid heat-related problems, keep these guidelines in mind:

  1. Hydration and Shade: Always provide access to cool water and shaded areas. Consider frozen treats or ice blocks to help your pet cool down.
  2. Never Leave Pets in Cars: Temperatures in parked cars can skyrocket, even with windows down, making them fatal traps.
  3. Mind the Surface: Avoid hot surfaces like asphalt that can burn your pet’s paws. If it’s too hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for theirs.

Innovative Cooling Products

To help manage your pet’s heat exposure, several innovative products are available:

  • Cooling Jackets and Vests: These garments are made from special materials that you can soak in water, wring out, and put on your pet to provide hours of cooling relief.
  • Cooling Mats: Offering a cool surface for your pet to lie on, these mats are often gel-filled and activate through pressure.
  • Cooling Scarves and Bandanas: Similar to jackets, these can be soaked in water and worn around the neck to help keep body temperatures down.

Best Times for Outdoor Activities

Choosing the right time for outdoor activities can drastically reduce the risk of heat stroke:

  1. Early Morning: This is usually the coolest part of the day, making it ideal for longer walks or vigorous play.
  2. Late Evening: Temperatures start to drop, providing a safer environment for your pet to exercise and explore.
  3. Avoid Midday Sun: Typically between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the sun is at its strongest, try to keep outdoor activities to a minimum or in shaded, cool areas.

Keeping Your Dog Active Indoors

When it’s too hot for outdoor activities, keeping your dog active inside is crucial for their physical and mental health. Here are some fun indoor activities:

  1. Interactive Toys: Puzzle toys that dispense treats can keep your dog busy and mentally stimulated for hours.
  2. Tug-of-War: Using a sturdy rope, engage your dog in a tug-of-war game. It’s great for physical exertion and strengthens your bond.
  3. Indoor Obstacle Course: Set up a simple obstacle course using household items like chairs and blankets to create tunnels and hurdles.
  4. Hide and Seek: Hide treats around your house and let your dog find them. It’s a fun way to engage their sense of smell.
  5. Teach New Tricks: Use this time to teach your dog new commands or tricks. It’s mentally stimulating for them and a productive way to spend your time together.

Veterinary Care for Heat Stroke

Your veterinarian can lower your dog’s body temperature to a safe range (if you have not already) and continue to monitor it. Your dog will be given intravenous fluid therapy, and possibly oxygen. He will be monitored for shock, respiratory distress, kidney failure, heart abnormalities, and other complications, and will be treated accordingly.

Blood samples may be taken before and again during the treatment. The clotting time of the blood will be monitored since clotting problems are a common complication of heat stroke.

Dogs with moderate heat stroke often recover without complicating health problems. Severe heat stroke can cause organ damage that might need ongoing care such as a special diet, supplements, or medications prescribed by your veterinarian.

Your veterinarian will do all they can to treat your pet’s heat stroke, but the best thing you can do is keep your furry friends safe and help them avoid heat stroke in the first place.