Hospital: (919) 303-3456 • Pet Resort & Spa: (919) 323-8877



Canine Influenza (CIV) Outbreak in North Carolina – A Guide for Pet Owners

An outbreak of canine influenza (CIV) in North Carolina has been confirmed by the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. As of July 16, 2015, a total of 3 confirmed cases of canine influenza had been reported to the Department, with an additional 200+ presumptive cases of the disease being treated by veterinarians in

Heartworms in Dogs and Cats

Heartworm is a parasite that all dog and cat owners have to be concerned about. Heartworm infections and heartworm disease are endemic amongst dogs in North Carolina, meaning that they are a widespread and ongoing health concern. Though cats are infected less often than dogs, when they are infected it is most often fatal, so

Pet Health Insurance: Viewing a Pet As More Than a Family Member

Your pets are family, no doubt about that! And as such, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to keep them happy, safe and healthy. Your pet is more than that, though; s/he is an investment, too, in terms of the time, love and yes, even the money you’ve put into choosing, training and assimilating her

Protect Your Dog from Tapeworm (and Other Parasites)

With January being National Walk Your Pet Month, it’s important to consider your pet’s safety from parasites while you’re out walking year-round. Parasites are one of the primary health risks to dogs, particularly if you and your dog love to go rambling in wooded areas or paddling in rivers and lakes. Dogs can pick up

5 Reasons to Walk Your Dog Daily (Even if it’s Cold!)

Daily dog walking and regular wellness checks are the two best methods of keeping your pet healthy and fit. Dogs need exercise, and walking them often is good for both Fido and you. January is National Walk Your Pet Month and National Train Your Dog Month, so we’ve taken a look at the importance and benefits

How Veterinary Laser Surgery Is Changing the Face of Pet Care

Veterinary laser surgery has been around for decades, but only recently it has become the go-to answer for better, faster, and easier pet health care. While there are different types of lasers out there, the CO2 laser is one of the best options available. Not only is the laser one of the most accurate available

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